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本文摘要:Berlin is calling on Google to disclose details of the secret formula that has allowed it to monopolise web search in Europe, in a move that is likely to be welcomed by competitors and fiercely resisted by the US tech company.柏林方面敦促谷歌(Google)发布使其以求独占欧洲互联网搜寻市场的详尽秘方,此举可能会受到谷歌竞争对手的青睐,但将遭这家美国科技公司的反感杯葛。

Berlin is calling on Google to disclose details of the secret formula that has allowed it to monopolise web search in Europe, in a move that is likely to be welcomed by competitors and fiercely resisted by the US tech company.柏林方面敦促谷歌(Google)发布使其以求独占欧洲互联网搜寻市场的详尽秘方,此举可能会受到谷歌竞争对手的青睐,但将遭这家美国科技公司的反感杯葛。In an interview with the Financial Times, Germany’s justice minister Heiko Maas said Google had to become more “transparent” about the algorithm used to create search engine rankings.在拒绝接受英国《金融时报》专访时,德国司法部长海科马斯(Heiko Maas)回应,谷歌必需在用来创立其搜索引擎名列的算法方面显得更加“半透明”。But Robert Kimmitt, a former US ambassador to Germany, was highly critical of his comments. European companies and countries “should be concerned about calls for appropriation of intellectual property”, he told the FT.但曾任美国派驻德国大使的罗伯特金米特(Robert Kimmitt)毫不留情地抨击了马斯的言论。他告诉他英国《金融时报》,欧洲的企业和国家“有误强占知识产权的呼声深感忧虑。

”The new offensive comes with Google and other US internet companies facing pressure across Europe over their growing dominance of online markets and handling of personal data in the wake of the US internet surveillance scandal.在德国针对谷歌发动新一轮攻势之际,谷歌及其他美国互联网企业在欧洲面对压力,焦点是它们在网络市场日益强化的主导地位,以及它们在美国互联网监控丑闻之后处置个人数据的方法。Brussels took the unprecedented step last week of rejecting Google’s third tentative peace settlement of a case over whether the company exploits its dominant position in search to promote in-house services in areas including shopping, flights and restaurants.欧盟上周采行空前措施,拒绝接受了谷歌就一起案件的第三次继续妥协,此案牵涉到谷歌否利用其在搜寻领域的主导地位推展在购物、航班和餐厅等领域的内部服务。

Mr Maas said: “In the end it relates to how transparent the algorithms are that Google uses to rank its search results. When a search engine has such an impact on economic development, this is an issue we have to address.”马斯回应:“最后,这牵涉到谷歌用来创立搜寻结果名列的算法有多半透明。当一家搜索引擎对于经济发展产生如此根本性的影响时,我们必需解决问题这个问题。

”Google’s algorithm is the “secret sauce recipe” that has enabled it to dominate search. Critics say its formulas are skewed to hurt rivals and want them published to ensure accountability. Google argues that such transparency would hand rivals its business secrets.谷歌的算法是“秘方”,使其需要在搜寻领域占有主导地位。批评者称之为,其算法偏向于伤害竞争对手,他们期望谷歌发布这些方法,以尽到义务。谷歌坚称,这种透明度将把自己的商业秘密命赠送给竞争对手。Germany has been instrumental in European efforts to constrain Google’s overwhelming market power. Senior government figures and business leaders have pushed hard for major changes in the way Google conducts its business in the EU.在欧洲希望容许谷歌极大的市场影响力方面,德国起着了大力的推展起到。

该国政府高层人物和商界领袖仍然在大力推展,以促成谷歌在欧盟开展业务的方式再次发生根本性转变。Mr Maas said Google’s general web search service has a market share of more than 90 per cent in the EU, compared with 68 per cent in the US.马斯回应,在欧盟,谷歌的一般性网络搜寻服务占有逾90%的市场份额,而在美国的市场份额为68%。“I therefore believe that Google’s power over consumers and market operators is extraordinary,” he said. “We have to think about what precautions are in place so that this power is not abused.”“因此,我指出谷歌对于消费者和市场运营商的影响力尤其极大,”他回应,“我们必需思维要采行哪些预防措施,以确保这种影响力不被欺诈。

