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本文摘要:The battle between the U.S. Justice Department and Apple returns to a federal courtroom Monday as the government tries to get the iPhone maker to comply with an order to help it access the phone of a mass shooter.美国司法部与苹果公司星期一将在一家联邦法院进行交锋。

The battle between the U.S. Justice Department and Apple returns to a federal courtroom Monday as the government tries to get the iPhone maker to comply with an order to help it access the phone of a mass shooter.美国司法部与苹果公司星期一将在一家联邦法院进行交锋。美国政府企图被迫苹果公司遵守一项法官的命令,帮助当局提供大规模枪击案凶手法鲁克的手机所遗信息。A magistrate judge said last week Apple must provide software to allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to guess the password on an iPhone given to Syed Rizwan Farook by his employer before he and his wife Tafsheen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California last year.一名法官上星期说道,苹果公司必需获取一种软件,使联邦调查局以求密码法鲁克的iPhone密码。

去年,法鲁克和他的妻子马利克在加利福尼亚州的圣巴尔纳迪奥杀死了14人。But Apple rejected what it called the unprecedented order to create a backdoor that could allow someone with the software to access any iPhone and put its customers at risk of hacking.但苹果公司拒绝接受遵从这项它称之为的“没先例”的命令,不表示同意获取协助提供iPhone存信息的软件,使其客户面对遭到黑客侵略的危险性。

The government fired back with a motion to make Apple comply, and ahead of Mondays hearing FBI Director James Comey insisted the government is not trying to set any precedent for future cases or set a master key loose on the land.美国政府展开反攻,向法院明确提出受理,以被迫苹果公司屈服。联邦调查局局长科米在星期一举办法院听证会之前特别强调说道,美国政府并不企图为今后成立一个先例,也会“抛下一把任人用于的万能钥匙”。

